TAS Governance

Old Armidalians remain active in the governance of the School, continuing the good work of generations who have gone before.

Formerly administered under an Ordinance of the Anglican Diocese of Armidale, The Armidale School was on 1 January 2010 incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act.

The company, called The Armidale School (permission was granted to exempt use of the term Limited), is made up of 24 Members, six from each of the four key stakeholder groups: Old Armidalians’ Union, TAS P&F, TAS Foundation and the Anglican Diocese of Armidale. These Members, who are like a council of elders, meet twice a year, including the company AGM. (While there are six designated Category ‘O’ Members, Old Armidalians are also represented in the representatives from the Foundation, P&F and the Diocese).

Governance of the school lies with the School Board which in turn reports to the Members group. The School Board is made up of nine Directors, (along with the Principal, Deputy Principal and Business Manager). Two Directors are appointed by each of the Diocese and the OAU according to their own Constitution and rules.The remaining five Directors are elected by the Members. Directors’ terms are for a period of three years and appointments (Diocese and OAU) and elections occur on rotation.

The company’s AGM is held in May, and the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary of the Board, elected at the first Board meeting thereafter.

The current chairman is Mr Sebastian Hempel ACIS, BSc, LLB (Syd), Grad Dip (AppCorpGov), an Old Boy of the school.