About the Union
“The Old Armidalians’ reunion at Xmas was thought by all OA’s present an unqualified success, though we fared rather badly in the cricket matches against the School. We were able to put two teams in the field this year with the aid of two substitutes, but the want of practice was against us. If we wish to win the future, OA’s must try to get some practice beforehand…” (The Armidalian, April 1901)
Ever since the Old Boys’ Union was founded in December 1900, the school’s alumni organisation, now called the Old Armidalians’ Union, has kept alive the spirit and ethos of the School as well as preserving amongst former students the friendships made during their time at TAS – many of which have lasted a lifetime. Members of the OAU are scattered around the world and work in a range of professions, but all share a common bond, as Old Boys or Old Girls of The Armidale School.

The Union works hard to enable its members to keep in touch with their friends and the school, whilst at the same time, contributing in many ways for the benefit and future students at TAS.
This encompasses everything from regional get togethers to the annual TAS Reunion Weekend, invitations to school activities and functions, and toworking bees and fundraising for specific projects for the betterment of the school.
How to Join
Simply complete this form; attach your payment details for the $380 (incl. GST) for life membership subscription and email to oau@as.edu.au or by post to:
TAS Old Armidalians’ Union Inc
c/- The Armidale School
Locked Bag 3003 ARMIDALE NSW 2350