Who We Are

The Old Armidalians’ Union – formerly called the TAS Old Boys’ Union – is the official alumni organisation of The Armidale School and for more than a century has maintained a continuing association with and contributed to, the welfare of TAS. The Union keeps alive within the TAS community the spirit, ethos and traditions of the School as well as preserving amongst former students the friendships and contacts they forged during their time at TAS.

Latest news

    Notice of Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Old Armidalians’ Union Inc to be held on Sunday 11 August 2024 at 11.00am  In the Maxwell Rooms, The Armidale School And via Zoom AGENDA 1.  Welcome 2. 

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  • Reunion Weekend – 9-11 August 2024
    Planning is well underway for Reunion Weekend which is expected to bring together hundreds of former students and their friends from across the decades. Acknowledging the importance of the weekend, St Joseph’s College will be bringing up a number of teams for rugby, while

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  • Alumni Focus – Tim Williamson and the pursuit of Rationalism at Oxford
    Tim Williamson and the pursuit of Rationalism at Oxford How much artificial intelligence is too much? How can the acceptable use of human embryos in scientific research be measured? Does the environment have intrinsic ‘rights’ that must be protected from development? What is the

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Our Merchandise

OAU Merchandise

The School has developed a line of special merchandise to suit all budgets. From a smart pure silk tie striped tie and commemorative blue and straw rugby tops, to cotton-blend socks and a latex credit card pocket for your mobile phone – there’s something for every wardrobe! 

Check out the range of affordable merchandise by clicking on the button below or contact Mrs Louise Barrett in the TAS Uniform and Book Shop on (02) 6776 5900.